
scary-what-a-smile-can-hideA smile means absolutely nothing if your thoughts and intentions are bad.

Don’t get me wrong, I love to smile, but I hate to force it. When I do it is real and nothing is hiding behind it.  I may not smile a lot, but there is peace in my soul and I mean you no harm.

Peace – Helen

Some Kind of Way

Ya know….lately I have been feeling some kind of a way.  Sad, but not completely sorrowed.  Angry, but still able to laugh at life.   Heartbroken, but grateful for what will never be.  I feel peace in my soul, but in the midst of that is a passioned fire that runs deep causing me to feel every revolution in and outside of myself.  I know that change is needed in this world and carry the burden of still hands that are not yet part of making those changes happen.  I am not one to ever pretend that I have it all together and I think that is okay.  All I know tonight is that I am feeling some kind of way……


Praying Too Much

I know that this is going to sound like a contradiction considering that my last post was about praying, but sometimes I think that people pray too much.  As I scroll down my Facebook newsfeed, I read how people are praying about this and praying about that, but these are the same people who do so much dirt to others.  How do I know?  I know, because I have been a recipient of some of the deceit that has gone forth from these praying folks.  The good thing is that we all acknowledge prayer as a change agent, but when are we going to change?  When are we going to become a just one facet of what we are praying about?  Okay you pray, wow….you look really holy…BUT when are we going to be holy?  Great, you are praying for someone who hurt you or someone that you just don’t like…but you can’t pray for someone and still wish that they get their Karma.  As a matter of fact if you doing that then you should probably be praying for your own wicked heart.  Another thing that just kills me is that some people don’t believe in God, but when they need something for themselves or their children, they request that someone pray for them?  Well, if you don’t believe in God…who exactly do you think is going to consider or even answer your prayer?  That is a whole other post about how God is NOT a Band-Aid for you to pick up and use when life gets rough.  God is about relationship and he wants  a relationship with you.   Which takes me back to praying…..sincere, heartfelt prayer is powerful and should not be taken for granted but at some point in time we have to become the compassion, healing, the understanding, the deliverance,  and the strength that we pray.

Peace – Helen

Taking a Knee

This week has been some kind of a week.  If I was a drinking woman I would have turned up a few bottles, but even today, instead, I will take a knee and pray this thing out.

Sighing…’s me….Helen

See With Your Heart

There are amazing people in this world.  Some of these amazing people don’t look like you, talk like you, and may not even have the same beliefs as you, but you will never know how amazing they are because your eyes tell you one of two things:

1) Either you are too good to bother with them, or

2) You don’t measure enough to bother them and their time

I have entertained those thoughts many times and now wonder how many opportunities, friendships, inspirations, etc. did I miss out on?  Who could I have blessed?  Who could have possibly been a blessing to me?

In the days ahead my friends, don’t listen to your eyes, instead see with your heart and begin to reach out a little more to people.  Even if you start with just saying a simple hello to someone that you would otherwise not acknowledge.  Safety first and use good common sense!  As much as there are good people in the world there are also those who really do have bad intentions and will harm you.  It is those people that often cause other to “shell up” and not bother much with the world, but this is also no way to live and enjoy life.

See with your heart!

Peace – Helen


If you pick up a piece of trash that that make you a garbage man?

If you make coffee and tea for a meeting, does that make you waitress?

If you wipe up a spill that is on the floor does that make you a maid?

If you help someone complete a task does that mean that you can now claim their job title?

If you complete an assignment from someone other than who you report to, does that mean that you now work for them?

(It always bothers me to hear someone say that they work for this person or that person.  If we are part of the same company, this means we are on the same team, which means we all work for one another)

If you help a puppy who has wandered out in the street, does that make you the animal control?

If you answer the phone at the switch board, does that make you the receptionist?

If you…..if you….if you….. this can go on forever.

Too many people who have no sense of who they are or who covet what others do or have, will feel the need to change their title for every little thing that they do, especially if it is something that they feel like they should be doing anyway.  BUT take note that these are the same people who will never change their title to maid because they would rather call someone else to wipe up a small spill than to do it themselves.  They would never change their title to garbage man, because they find that dealing with trash or picking up trash is beneath them.  They feel this way because they identify themselves with what they do.

When you KNOW who are, picking up trash doesn’t bother you… wiping up a spill is looking out for the next person and not a chore for what you consider to be for a “lesser” person…. helping a colleague doesn’t mean that you have to tell others that you helped that person and think that gives you the right to claim their job title…..when you KNOW who you are, the title DOESN’T mean anything ANYWAY.  It is not the title that defines you, but rather the humble heart of service that you have behind the title that guides you into excellence, not the title itself.  

That is why no matter what you do in this life be it a trash man or the president of a company, you can be excellent because of your excellence!!!

Know who you are and serve with a spirit of teamwork and a heart of integrity.

Just pondering life…..Helen

Finger Lick’n….ewww!

You know what….I have so much to say about this, but I am not.   Bottom line:  do not lick your fingers at a buffet, potluck, or dinner party.  No wait, how about not licking your fingers ever?  Yeah that about sums up how I feel about this.

Had a potluck today and the first person the in the front of the line was just going to town with licking her fingers and picking up other spoons and so on.  Really?  I along with about three other people who witnessed this fiasco of saliva just turned and left…….

Finger lick’n ewwwww!

Yawn It Out

I had a great conversation with a friend about yawning.  I am a great advocate of a good and hearty yawn – oh yesssss!  You know that kind where your arms are outstretched, back is arched, and you make all the very animated faces and sounds?  Now that is a good yawn. I was surprised to see him belly laugh when I went onto explain that a yawn, was not a good yawn unless about five people have at least heard it or witnessed it.  LOL….I mean really? What’s up with the lil squeaky yawns?  Yeah, yeah, yeah that’s cute, but sometimes you have yawn some things out.   Yawn out that long work day.  Yawn out the fact that you have been sitting on a conference call for three hours with no end in sight.  Yawn out the fact that every morsel of your body is tired and there nothing like a good hearty yawn, to relax and awaken all at the same time.

When in doubt….YAWN IT OUT!

Make it a great day – Helen

Date Night

I have a date with this little guy and my lawn mower one night a week.  He must love me, he keeps coming back.  hee hee
