You Betta Work!!!!

I find it hard to believe that a man could love and respect a woman who he allows, expects, or thinks should shoulder the burden of caring for him.  Call me old fashioned, but men work, be it cleaning a toilet or holding down a multi-million dollar company.  There are exceptions to this rule of course, such as in the terms of the man being disabled.  However, I have a friend whose long time boyfriend claims to be disabled but every time she turns around he is wanting to have sex with her for hours at a time…….not trying to be insensitive here, but is that disabled?    She shared this with me, but became incensed when I told her that if he could have sex like that then he could find some type of job to help with their household.

I think this goes back to deciding what kind of woman you want to be.  Me…..I know how to do bad all by myself, I know how to take care of business and can get the job done, however, if I am joining my life with someone else, then there are some things that will be a give and take.  While I can take out the trash, this is a chore that he can do.  If he hates washing dishes or cleaning the microwave….hey baby – I got you on that.

Just like fingerprints, no two relationships are a like, but relationships do require work and  requires two people working together in a way that they both feel valued, cared for, and accommodated.

Peace – Helen