Ooops, Party’s Over and You Don’t Have the Time

To my ladies:  Can we just have some honest talk right here?

If a man wants to be with you, then he will be with you.  It doesn’t matter what you think, what you think might be, or how you think it will be – if he is not making the honest effort to make you and ONLY you to be part of his life, then you are not it.   In other words, you have lost the game of eenie meenie mynie and mo.  Oops, party’s over and you don’t have the time to sit around and wait on the great pumpkin that has no intentions on showing up in your life the way your heart needs him to.

I can say that I have made the mistake in my life of hoping and wishing on that star, and I am telling you now, don’t do it.  You see, it is not about what a man tells you….it is all about what a man does and not only what he does, but what he does consistently. 


Peace, Helen