What’s Your This?

Odd title huh, but we all have a “this”.

“The voice of truth says THIS is for my glory”…..I love that line in this song.  What is your “this” today?  What giant are you dealing that seems unconquerable?  What is telling you today that you will never complete a goal, that you will never accomplish your dreams, that you will never be well, what is telling you that no one will ever love you and cherish to no end, what is keeping you from getting out of bed and putting purpose in your feet for the day, what is keeping you locked up in fear….in the world of “I can’t”????

I want to challenge you today to listen for that voice of truth.  Notice I did not say a voice of truth, I said the voice of truth, the voice of Jesus.  There are a lot people that will speak into your life, but they did not author your life and redeem your life as Christ did and often what you are told by others can be contaminated and meant to serve their purpose, not yours.

There is a “different story” to what you see in your life right, but you have to make the choice to listen and believe the voice of truth.
