To Believe or Not to Believe

Pondering…. which is worse to believe in God and live a life that is contrary to His Word OR to be an atheist?

I am part of a leadership group that meets periodically throughout the month.  I usually attend no more than twice, due to my schedule, but I sincerely enjoy the people that are there and the things that we learn and share.  As usual, with people come problems, right?

There is a devout Christian in the group who absolutely cannot stand the atheist, BUT she is almost best friends with another person who believes in God, goes to church but does not live and most importantly doesn’t even seem to try to live a Christian lifestyle.

Now me, I can tolerate the semi – Christian lady and her goody two shoes attitude, but I really enjoy interacting with the atheist.  She just a down to earth caring type of a soul who respects others and is devoted to her husband and family.

Early on in the group, the devout Christian came up to me after the group and said, “you know she doesn’t believe in God, I just thought you should know, because I want nothing to with her”.  I was offended by her holier than NOT attitude and I responded by saying, “Do you think Jesus would agree with you on that or do you have a light to shine in darkness?”  She looked at me with almost a blank stare and said – she doesn’t believe in God and walked way.

What is my point?  I don’t have one.  I guess I am just sick and tired of people in their little church cliques….all of them wearing a cross, but not bearing the cross of Christ.  I am not saying that I have perfected this either, I struggle in my own thoughts, but how can Christians season the world with the love of Christ  if they refuse to leave their salt shakers?

