The Craft of the Enemy

New International Version I Peter 5:8
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

The video below is long and difficult to watch, but this is what is happening to many every day.  The enemy comes in looking like your surroundings and you think everything is just fine until you are caught off guard.  In this case the buffalo were off on their own, but in some cases the enemy drives a wedge between you and the family that is there to support and protect you.  These lions caught her in her most vulnerable state, she had just given birth and probably getting her senses together to head back to the herd, but the enemy is keen and knows when to creep in….and that is exactly what they did.   Who did they attack first?  The mother.  They knew that once they got her distracted and hurt, that the baby would be easy pickings.

Question:  How are you like this mother?

The enemy is catching people in their vulnerable states.  They are looking for love, can’t see to do without a man, lonely, broken, hopeless, no one will want me after this or that… you name it.  What ever your vulnerability is, there is an enemy assigned to defeat you in that particular state.  When the enemy can distract and hurt you enough he will move in on you and sometimes will even have the audacity to bring in someone else to destroy your babies, your hopes, your dreams, your destiny.

I am pleading with you today, do not allow the enemy to wedge you away from or catch you out and away from  your herd….away from God.  Once the enemy separates you  he will dominate and devour you at his leisure and anything that is close to you and near you will be destroyed as well.

The Full Armor of God Ephesians 6:10
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.…