
Some believe that the most powerful word in any language is the word “love”. I would agree, but, there is another word that is just as powerful.  This word can stop tears, clear confusion, help to heal a broken heart…..this word is so powerful that I bet it could stop wars, but instead lands become militarized, blood is shed and the destinies of men and women are halted.  Too many people have had to find a way to fight through life without this word ever being uttered to them, they had to fight to get to their place of being healed without an explanation that should come with this word to relieve the “what if’s” and the “what could I have done differently’  that people torment themselves with….the word that I am referring to is “sorry”.

The word “sorry” is a gift, do you hear me….it is a gift that can make someone look less like a jerk or a mean girl and can start someone’s heart to beat again.  If you owe a sorry to someone, darn it -say it and if you have the courage, explain what that sorry means.  If you are waiting to hear, sorry, don’t put your life on hold waiting for it.  If you never hear that word again in your life, healing will happen for you and you just might be little stronger for it – just don’t drive yourself crazy with those “what ifs”.  If sorry does come your way, be sure to accept it with honesty and above all accept it with grace.

I heard this song by Adele on my way home last night, it is fabulous.


Hello, it’s me.  I was wondering if after all these years you would like to meet? To go over everything, they say that time is supposed to heal ya, but I haven’t done much healing…….I must have called a thousand times to tell you that I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done……at least I can say that I tried to tell you I’m sorry for breaking your heart.