Someday At Christmas…..


I heard this song while driving this morning and almost started to weep with every word of this song.  My God…… this song was released almost 50 years ago and the “someday” that is spoken of has still not arrived, we aren’t even closer and perhaps farther away from this than we were 50 some years ago.   Is it too late?  Have we gone to far to recover?  I hope not – You see, that someday can start with you, with me, with the person across the way.  It can start in our hearts and then manifest in our actions toward one another.  There will be days when you may feel like the only lighthouse in the midst of raging and stormy seas, but you know what…. be the light that draws others in to safety and then show them how to shine.  With that, before long we will have that “someday” and it could be a lot sooner than we think.

Peace and love….Helen