My Kinda Fun

I recently went to a ball game with a group of people.  It was a beautiful warm sunny evening and the night offered cool breezes and a starry sky… overall it was a great night.  I took pleasure in sitting down for most of the time, taking in the atmosphere and sipping on an ice cold pink lemonade.  I must have talked with over 20 people while sitting there.  People would stop and chat and then move on to more merriment.  Occasionally someone would stop by and ask what was wrong with me, come on Wilson pep up,  and I would have to cordially explain to them, that I was having a good time  – nothing is wrong, everything is great. What was frustrating was that some people went so far as to label groups…the boring group…the quiet group….the fun group…. ugh really?   Here’s the deal – don’t judge my fun! 

Bottomline:  People are just different, we are all as different as the fingerprints on our fingers and you know what….it is okay.