Judge Me

I am amused when I hear, CAN’T NOBODY JUDGE ME!

Well, I want to be judged. That doesn’t mean that I want you to go tell cousin boo bear or Sister So-So about me, but I want you to come to ME and tell me when I am not doing something right. Pull me to the side and tell me that I am acting a foo, your slip is hanging or in other words – get it together girl!

When you fail to tell the person and instead go talk to others, that makes you a GOSSIP, a possible slanderer, and a worker of divisions among people …which kind of makes you no better than the person that you deem to have the problem.

When people come to me with mess about other people, one of the first things that I will say is – have you talked to that person and if they haven’t I will tell that person that is what they need to do- because that is what I would want someone to do for me.

You see, I want to get things right on this side. At the end of the day when I stand before God, He may not see a perfect person but He will see a heart that has strived, longed, and tried to be better and live after Him.



Wood gavel and sounding block on a white background.