
I try to avoid saying goodbye in everyday life.  It is a word that has never made me feel comfortable or at peace.  Through time and living, I have learned that sometimes you will indeed have to dismiss yourself….your heart, from situations that are of no benefit to you other than the pain, confusion, and agony that it has to offer.  If you are like me, you love hard.  I mean, once love enters your heart for someone you are locked in a like pit bull and you will fight (not literally – that is never cool or lady like) for that that love, honor that love, be patient with that love, be loyal to that love…. I don’t love easily but when I do you best believe that it is for real.  Even that kind of love has its’ limits and when you reach that limit seldom will it ever return with the same fervor and devotion – and sometimes it is just over.

Say something is such a beautiful song.  Giving up on someone that you love is never easy, but in all honesty, if you have to beg someone to say something to you, they actually gave up on you a long time ago and you are better off for just stepping away.

“You’re the one that I love, and I am saying goodbye”…..goodbye.
