Hello Readers –

Thank you for all of your support with the Pondering Paths project!!  Much of the work on this project will resume in the September 2018.  For now, many of the posts and work have been moved a new project that is set to be released in August 2018.  This is truly an exciting time and we cannot thank you enough for pondering with us all these years.  There is more to come, more ponder, more to enrich your life!!!!!

Finding What You Want

You will never find what you want or who you want as long as you keep doing the same thing.  If you keep dating the same kind of women in the the same kind of way, chances are you will be back on the merry go round in no time.  Give the woman a chance to open up to you, don’t gouge her for information but instead create and be a safe place where she can express herself without ridicule from you.  Instead of charging out of the gates at 100 mph talking about sex and fantasies, be her fantasy and she will eventually fulfill yours.

Better Man

I can’t really express the thoughts in my head right now.  That is why I love music, because it can say things that our hearts can’t.  Feeling amused today……..

Convenience and Sacrifice

If a neighbor calls you for a ride home from work at 11pm do you tell them that you are sleeping and you will pick them up in the morning or do you get up and help them to get home to rest as you were resting?  Even if you do give them a ride home in the morning after you have had your full night’s sleep, you are helping, but which is the greater help, which is the true heart of serving others?

You have never truly served, given, or helped until you have done so while being inconvenienced.  Helping others on your own terms, is just doing what you want to do to make yourself look or feel good… are not doing what is needed, when it is needed to put others in a better place.

Balance service, sacrifice and self-care……..

Valentine’s Day is Everyday

Valentines Day Is Everyday

All of the hoopla over Valentine’s Day reminds me of why I don’t really like it.  Don’t get me wrong though, I would not turn down flowers or candy…lol.   A friend told me just a few days ago that I love too hard. ..well maybe I do, because I think that  when you love someone Valentine’s Day should be everyday.  Valentine’s Day is on Monday when I ask you how I can help you during the week with tasks or honey-dos.  Valentine’s Day is Tuesday when I leave a love note in your briefcase.  It is on Wednesday when I cook you a big weekend style breakfast before you head off to work,.  Valentine’s Day is Thursday when I have the shower running hot and your favorite 100% cotton T and bottoms laid out for you on the bed.  Valentine’s Day is on Friday when I massage your shoulders after a hard days work.  Valentine’s Day is on Saturday when we go our separate ways to run errands and visit with friends but make plans for a romantic Saturday evening together.  Valentine’s Day is on Sunday when we serve the Lord in worship service together. 

One day a year is not good enough to express an everyday kind of love.  And, sometimes it is not the stuff, but rather the things are done to say, I support you, I am here, I love you….

His Best Friend


Do you know what I like about this video from President and First Lady Obama?  I like the fact that he called Michelle Obama is best friend.  I love it!  How blessed is she to have a man who realizes the importance of having his wife as his best friend.

We live in a world where men are married, but having another woman deemed as his best friend – this has always seemed a little off to me.   I mean come on….if I have committed to loving you and building our lives together, shouldn’t I be your best friend as a woman.   Don’t get me wrong, it is important for the man in my life to have friends and even another best friend…if he is a man.   I can think of no woman, who would be satisfied with another woman having influence over her man and her household.  I can think of no woman, who would be pleased with her husband needing to talk to his best friend so he calls Susie for advice on his life, but you are the one living life with him….oh heck naw.    This has nothing to do with insecurities or jealously, but has everything to do with boundaries.  I am sure that Susie would tell you that there is no harm in her being your husband’s best friend, but at the same time would never tolerate her man having a female best friend.  This is a real issue, one that needs to be discussed early on in a relationship.  You would think that this would be the natural gravity in the course of dating and growing to love someone but that is not always the case,  it is worth knowing,

Peace – Helen




Someday At Christmas…..


I heard this song while driving this morning and almost started to weep with every word of this song.  My God…… this song was released almost 50 years ago and the “someday” that is spoken of has still not arrived, we aren’t even closer and perhaps farther away from this than we were 50 some years ago.   Is it too late?  Have we gone to far to recover?  I hope not – You see, that someday can start with you, with me, with the person across the way.  It can start in our hearts and then manifest in our actions toward one another.  There will be days when you may feel like the only lighthouse in the midst of raging and stormy seas, but you know what…. be the light that draws others in to safety and then show them how to shine.  With that, before long we will have that “someday” and it could be a lot sooner than we think.

Peace and love….Helen

Handle Your Business

It is time out for women building their world around a man who has not proven himself to be consistent or stable.  If you are going to do some business, handle it for yourself and in a way that it does not matter who is in your life, handle it in a way that you it will get it done.

Don’t make long term decisions based on a temporary man.

Peace- Helen

What Kind of Friend Are You?

Have you ever had someone in your life who only calls you when they need something.  They never call to check on you or to see how you are doing but rather they use you as their own personal crisis hotline?  Right after they get their help from you they are back to doing whatever it is that they do until the next time they need a shoulder to cry on, some money to borrow, a ride somewhere, food, or anything of the sort.

Questions:  How do you feel about that “friend”?  Do you even consider them a friend  or are they someone you just have come tolerate? How do you feel when they take the advice and support that you have given them and just throw it out the window?  What do you think when their number pops up on the ID?

I love the old hymn called What A Friend We Have in Jesus.  Oh he is a friend in deed, but what kind of a friend would he say that we are?

I get so mad when people use God like first aid.  I need you to pray for this or pray for that.  Number 1 -why are you giving me all this work to do and  Number 2 – what are you doing to help the situation that you are asking prayer for? A good portion of people asking for prayer don’t even acknowledge God  on any other occasion other than to ask for something and then have the audacity to question his existence when the prayer isn’t answered the way they think it should have been.  Well, maybe it wasn’t meant for the prayer to be answered the way you asked, but you will not know that if you don’t have a personal relationship with Him.  Now you are mad at God for something that wasn’t answered the way you thought but really God is tending to your prayer a whole other way that will work out ten times better for you and there you are sitting up pouting.

Let’s take another look at this…. what about a child who is always asking their parent for something but never, I mean the child NEVER does anything that he is told.  HE doesn’t do his chores, lies about not having homework, skips class from time to time and pretty much just does his own thing, but when he needs help, when he wants something, when it is birthday and Christmas time there he is hands out and telling you what he wants……isn’t that how we do God?  Good parents would be hesitant to bless such a rotten kid with his wants and wishes…. I think I can say with absolute certainty that our good God is hesitant to bless us sometimes as well.   Don’t get mad at him, take a moment and evaluate yourself.  Are you doing all that you need to be doing?  Let’s stop there for now…..what kind of a friend are you?

Peace- Helen


Painfully, I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of people who don’t want you to be okay.

They don’t want you to be okay, because they are not okay themselves…….

I recently found out some news that really has me messed up right now and it is a struggle for me to be “okay”.

Too exhausted to be mad, to sad to even really cry…but there is one thing that I can hope on that is on the sun rising in morning and the ability for me to put one foot in front of the other to walk this thing out.

I will be okay…..I am okay.
