No Excuses

Excuses,literally, make me sick.  I cringe when I start hearing an excuse being offered.  Really, when someone starts with an excuse they are really saying, I knew what I was supposed to do but quite frankly I chose not to and I don’t even respect you enough now to offer you the truth.

Don’t get me wrong, there are valid excuses and those need to be heard and received and usually you can tell when they are heartfelt and real.

Rant over…..resume with making this a great day!!!!!



Between the Moon and New York City

I have always been fascinated with New York City. At one point in my very young life, I wanted to live there, but not so much anymore.  I have come to terms with the fact that I am a country girl at heart, so much so that my brother sometimes calls me Ellie May…lol, brothers!  While I have no desire to live in New York, it has long been my dream to take a helicopter ride over the city at dusk while it is bright enough to still see Central Park and then whirl into the night over the beautiful lights that illuminate the city.  One of these days I will, and after you see this video you will want to too.  I found a video on YouTube that is absolutely stunning, I can’t imagine what it would be like to actually be there.

Softly humming… if you get caught between the moon and New York City the best that you can do is fall in love……


The Beauty of Change

I think Autumn gives us a perfect example to know that change is not always a bad thing, really it can be quite beautiful and every leaf that falls in our lives will nurture the next season that has yet to dawn in our eyes…Helen


My Kinda Fun

I recently went to a ball game with a group of people.  It was a beautiful warm sunny evening and the night offered cool breezes and a starry sky… overall it was a great night.  I took pleasure in sitting down for most of the time, taking in the atmosphere and sipping on an ice cold pink lemonade.  I must have talked with over 20 people while sitting there.  People would stop and chat and then move on to more merriment.  Occasionally someone would stop by and ask what was wrong with me, come on Wilson pep up,  and I would have to cordially explain to them, that I was having a good time  – nothing is wrong, everything is great. What was frustrating was that some people went so far as to label groups…the boring group…the quiet group….the fun group…. ugh really?   Here’s the deal – don’t judge my fun! 

Bottomline:  People are just different, we are all as different as the fingerprints on our fingers and you know what….it is okay.


National High Skirt Day….NOT!

Today is National Take a Walk Day (did that!), I did not know that it was also “National Let’s See How High You Can Wear Your Skirt Before Someone Sees  A Crack Day”.  LOL  Yes, it is a balmy 80 degree day, I am not saying that you have to wear a country frock.  However, you will NOT suffer heat exhaustion if you lower that skirt about 3 inches….trust me baby girls, you will be aaaaight!

Peace  –  Helen




Odd Ball…And It’s Okay

I am an odd ball. I have never fit in and thank goodness I have never had the desire to fit in. There is this music that flows from my heart and I have enjoyed dancing to every beat of it. That doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate the “music” of others, I do, I completely do…..but time after time it seems like I am dancing “The Carlton” while everyone else is doing the bus stop or the running man or some other cool dance (okay – are those still cool? lol) Anyway, I am sure you know what I mean.
While I have always known that I am a little different, for the first time in my life I accept it…. and I am okay with it. I am not going to have “game or swagger” with men and know all of the right things to say to them. Hopefully the right one will be captivated by my quirkiness and love me anyway. I will probably always have a hair out of place or start pondering the universe with people who could care less…. this list could go on and

I am not going to fight it or beat myself up anymore….I am me and while I am me I still have some more work to do to be a better version of me, of who God created.

So my friends, are you loving on you today and most importantly are you loving on the God who made you.

Remember you are a fingerprint of God….unique in your own special way, don’t fight it.


I Love Being A Girl!!!!


I started taking belly dance classes many years ago, but I stopped because a trusted friend told me that belly dancing is a sin. Well, I think it depends on what you do with the art. I just loved the movement and how it connected with my femininity. I was not going to dance at clubs, parties, or in public, just for me and well maybe a spouse one day (blushing….) So, I started taking lessons again. Last evening the instructor showed the group this video and said that this should be our goal in our own unique way.
What – this lady is an incredible dancer! I can take that challenge though and will enjoy the wait loss that is coming with it. Belly dance may not be for everyone, but it is an outlet for me and one that really makes me glad that I am a lady (in my Shenaynay voice lol).

Bottomline: Continue to find things that you enjoy and do them. Belly dancing is controversial in some circles but again, it is what you do with it that makes the difference between a hobby and going to confession!
