Emotional Terrorism

What is the deal these days with male and female friendships? I just completed my third phone call within the last month or so regarding male and female friendships and the mess that stemmed from it.

Here is the bottom line:

Ladies, if you are stroking his hair, feeding him tiny morsels of food or nuzzling his ear, after a while he is going to think that you are interested in progressing the “supposed” friendship into a dating relationship….

Guys, if you are wining and dining, snuggling on, talking about a future with your friend who happens to be a girl, or saying or treating your “girl” friend in a way that that you would NEVER say or treat your guy friends……

Then don’t be surprised when your friend starts getting a little googley eyed toward you and the expectations change. And….before you call them crazy, a stalker, or say that they lied to you about being your friend, it might be a good idea to check yourself and ask what did you do to contribute to this situation.

Leading someone on is nothing short of emotional terrorism. And, like any act of terrorism there is destruction that follows, the only thing is that the person who caused the destruction doesn’t stick around to see the damage. Stop it already!


That Kind of Love

 Went shopping this weekend for plants and flowers to decorate my home. I was surrounded by all kinds of beautiful flowers which would have looked great within my decor, but I couldn’t buy them all. I had to narrow down to the one that would bring together every facet of my home. That’s a lot like love. There are a lot of beautiful and wonderful people in the world, but there is one who will compliment you, your life and your purpose more than anyone else. The one who will still stir your heart and make butterflies flutter as if you just met, except it’s 20 years later. If you have that kind of love, treasure and nurture it. If you dont, trust that it will come and know that you don’t have to compromise or play dirty to get it.