You and I

You and I by John Legend

I heard this song playing on the radio while riding home a few nights ago. After watching this video I love this song even more. Isn’t this what every women wants to hear and know? With all of the things that women go through, it is an absolute blessing to have the man in your life understand and still know in his heart that you are the most amazing and beautiful woman for him. I don’t know when that will happen for me… I pray that it happens for you and if you have this type of amazing love and acceptance from the man in your life, treasure it with gratitude, and reciprocate it with grace. Peace -Helen

Pondering Love

Real love…..
I think sometimes that real love gets overlooked like vegetables. Sometimes the people that are best for us in our lives are treated like….I don’t know, like a beet or a Brussels sprout. Little do we know that if we take that vegetable and season with a little of who we are and a little of who they are that there could a fabulous gourmet recipe for a good life together….gourmet food takes time and commitment. Unfortunately far too many people opt for the drive through at Wendy’s……..just pondering.


Heart In The Right Place

Sometimes we stand on the pathways of life just…..pondering. I am thinking at this point that I am either too nice, too forgiving, or just a darned fool. Now which one is it and really does it even matter at this point? I think what matters is that I tried to do the right thing, yeah, I tried.

At the end of the day, I am satisfied with the fact that I try to keep my heart in the right place.

Pressing on, Peace…..Helen

Good Soil

Some men and women (sorry ladies!) are like simple farmers. A simple farmer will be standing on good soil, warm and rich, deep beneath their feet ready for planting, but the simple farmer refuses to work the land. If you know anything about farmers you should know that they know their land and what they don’t know they spend time with it, look for changes, watches how it responds to certain things. They have a relationship with their land. Sounds weird but it is true. Hey you with the dirty mind! Stay on the clean side of the street there buddy! lol

A friend told me a few days go that relationships should be easy, there should be no work. What! I agree to a certain extent. A relationship with someone should not be some laborious call of duty that you check in for day in and day off. Oh no – I am running away like Forrest Gump from that. There is however, a certain kind of work that doesn’t seem like work at all….there is a quiet joy of getting to know someone and growing to love them more and more everyday. The work should be fun with things like making dinner together, Redbox nights, late night phone calls, random good mornings texts, trips to the museum, or just people watching at the local shopping center. It should also be a healthy balance of being a part and just being you sometimes….that will make the time you spend together so much more special.

Sadly, people don’t want to take the time to experience the magic of two hearts opening up to each other. It doesn’t happen overnight, it happens over time. Time is the sealant between each moment and lays a foundation for what will hopefully be a lifetime of love, traditions, and memories.

Don’t be a simple farmer….if you have someone that you know is “good soil”, it might tender well to explore and create opportunities to see what type of harvest you could make together. So often we gravitate toward people who we have that “connection” with right away. I just don’t want a connection, I want a masterpiece, built over time and strong enough to withstand that storms of life.


Mother Bear

I have held my peace with a person for well over a year. Tonight, I found out something that involved the safety of children, which put me at my limit. I went off….not completely off but just enough for some good footage (yep). This person proceeded to video tape me as I was yelling at him. Just like the devil, trying to make a big deal out of something that you did in response to his abuse, negligence, and manipulations.

So sick of seeing and hearing abuse, I am sick of the isolation and destruction that came with this thing… this thing that clothed itself and posed as “love”.
Quite surprised at myself because “old Helen from way back and around the way” would have opened up that “special can” to take care of business but I think God snatched that from me a while ago.
Say what you want. Cast that first stone, but I will not apologize, ever, for standing up for children.Helen

Play Your Part

Some folks want the role, but they refuse to play their part……



Just Keep It Real

The moment you went from thinking you were having a genuine conversation with someone to knowing that it was baited the whole time. smh

Love….. Just Outside My Grasp

A man came into the office a while back and asked for his bride then said her name, but he said not to tell her that he was there just say that she was needed in the office. So I did. While we he was waiting, I asked him how long they have been married thinking that they were newlyweds based on his “giddiness” to see his wife. He said,” oh we been married over 15 years, but I love her like the day I said I do”. (Beautiful!!!) By that time she walks into the office and sees her husband standing there. This usually straightlaced, no frills woman, all of a sudden turned into a rosy cheeked, bright eyed, giggling lady. They rushed to each other grabbed hands, look at each other and just smile and sigh. Okay by now, I am grabbing Kleenex cuz I am about to cry! He said to her, “I was in the area and I was too close not to be just right with you, I am taking you to lunch, baby”. (Water works!!!!!!). They ska-doodle off and I am left there pondering….love. That type of thing always seems just outside of my grasp, but God knows what I need and when I need it. Happy for them and still pressing on -Helen

Those Little Things

Sometimes the elephant in the room is not the biggest problem… sometimes it is the people who are ignoring it, sometimes it is smaller things, the things that are not seen that present the biggest problems…. just pondering, Helen