This Sweet Addiction


Last Friday, I stood at the vending machine watching the smokers go out for their mid morning fix of nicotine. I scoffed at them and thought to myself, there they go to kill themselves. I made my selection, E7 – gotta get that Kit Kat Bar! As I took the bar out of the drop slot, I looked at the Snicker bar and thought that I might want that too and then it hit me……….This revelation hit me soooo hard I wanted to run away immediately. How can you run away from a truth that is wrapped all around you?

The revelation is that I am an addict. My addiction is not nicotine, sex, heroine, or alcohol….it is food.

I use food the same way that a junkie would use a drug… to escape, to escape whatever I can’t or won’t deal with. I eat my emotions, happy, sad, disappointed, anger, frustration, worry…..

I weighed myself on Saturday night and in disbelief I just stood there thinking about how I could have gotten to this point.

It ends here.

Being overweight is the most visible sign of not being in control of an area of your life. I have taken that control back! Food is not a comfort, it is not my friend, it does not end heartache….food is not a band-aid for life. Food is nutrition for your body and you have to be selective about what you eat.

Since Saturday I have lost almost seven pounds and I am so excited to keep this going. I am ready to shed this heavy garment and start to look and feel sexy again….yes I said sexy!

Before I sign off here, let me ask you this…. Do you struggle with your weight? If so, what are you eating? Guilt, anger, hurt, frustration, loss…..

Step 1: The next time you snack on something ask yourself if you are hungry or self-soothing with food.

This is a journey, a process – so this blog is not going to end here….there is more to come on the way back to a healthier you.

-7lbs and counting
