Classic Cain and Abel

A lady went to a vendor show to purchase some product for a project.  She walked for a good hour before she came to a booth with the exact specifications that she was looking for.  The man at the booth briefly talked about his product but seemed relentless on talking about the vendor that was across the hall.  He told that woman about the vendor’s lawsuit over a faulty product, about his products are worthless compared to his, and that the vendor was more or less just a jerk or man.  All of these ramblings made the woman so intrigued that she decided to go see the product of other vendor, even though she had her mind set on what she had just saw.

The woman walked a little more but then went across the hall to the vendor. Just as she had walked in the room the lights briefly went out his  in his showcase, but he happily welcomed her in to the showcase.  He explained that he had just started using a new case and was working out a few bugs in his displays and then ask if he had any questions.  They talked for a while, she thanked him for his time, and then proceeded to leave the room.  As she was leaving he thanked her again for stopping by and encouraged her to also see his brother across the hall.  She stopped.  “Your brother?”, she asked.  “Yes Ma’am, see, same last name on the card, Ma’am” – he has a good product too, you should check him out, Good day to ya now”.

The woman went back across the hall to the vendor with the perfect specifications for her project.  When she walked in the room he belted, “See what did I tell you, he can’t even keep his lights on.  Well let’s go  on and get your order on the truck Ma’am”.  She looked at him  and shook her head.

She said,  “I was going to buy your product as this is exactly what I wanted.  But I will not buy anything from someone who puts down their own brother as you did.  If you treat your own flesh and blood that way, how will you treat me later down that line if I need you to honor the warranty on this product?  He was having problems with his showcase, but you use that crisis to further try to make your own self look good.  That lawsuit you mentioned was over 15 years ago and his product has been tested, tried and true, since then as I saw the quality records.  You see sir, I am looking to buy a product that I trust from a person that I trust and I don’t trust anyone like you.  While I am sure your brother is not perfect, he treated me kindly and never spoke a bad word against you, and quite honestly I think you are the jerk of a man.  There is a murdering spirit on your tongue and while there is no blood from your brother, you are trying to kill him just the same.”

She walked across the hall, made the purchase and left without speaking of his enemy, clothed with the same DNA, just over yonder.

Should she have told him?  My guess is that he probably already knew, so why bring it up – after all, with that purchase, he got the victory. He will probably continue to gain the victory every time as long as he keeps his focus as he did.

What is the moral of this story?

When people tell you things about other people, if it is going to affect how you deal with them, then you have the absolute responsibility to check it out.  Even if it appears to be true, healthy people don’t go around destroying other people names, works, etc. unless they are trying to hide something about themselves.  If you don’t find out for yourself,  then you are nothing more than a pawn who is working someone else’s scheme.  If you don’t, then you are part of the problem.  

Date Night

I have a date with this little guy and my lawn mower one night a week.  He must love me, he keeps coming back.  hee hee


So You Like To Share

People have grown far too comfortable with sharing….each other.  Yes,  I said it.   If I were to ask someone if they wanted to chew on the piece of gum that is pictured, they would say no.   Tell me, why would the same person decide that it is okay be a side chick or tolerate their man having his cake and eating it too???    If the thought of chewing this gum makes you shutter, then the thought of being with a married man or with a man who you KNOW if not faithful to you should make you literally cringe.

So the next time you think it is cute to sneak around with someone that you know is in a relationship, I want you to remember this chewed up piece of gum.  The next time you feel so lonely that you decide the best thing to is to go back to the man who humiliated you and desecrated your body by dragging the world between your legs…..I need you to remember this gum and know that you are worth more than that.


Ooops, Party’s Over and You Don’t Have the Time

To my ladies:  Can we just have some honest talk right here?

If a man wants to be with you, then he will be with you.  It doesn’t matter what you think, what you think might be, or how you think it will be – if he is not making the honest effort to make you and ONLY you to be part of his life, then you are not it.   In other words, you have lost the game of eenie meenie mynie and mo.  Oops, party’s over and you don’t have the time to sit around and wait on the great pumpkin that has no intentions on showing up in your life the way your heart needs him to.

I can say that I have made the mistake in my life of hoping and wishing on that star, and I am telling you now, don’t do it.  You see, it is not about what a man tells you….it is all about what a man does and not only what he does, but what he does consistently. 


Peace, Helen


No Excuses

Excuses,literally, make me sick.  I cringe when I start hearing an excuse being offered.  Really, when someone starts with an excuse they are really saying, I knew what I was supposed to do but quite frankly I chose not to and I don’t even respect you enough now to offer you the truth.

Don’t get me wrong, there are valid excuses and those need to be heard and received and usually you can tell when they are heartfelt and real.

Rant over…..resume with making this a great day!!!!!



The Craft of the Enemy

New International Version I Peter 5:8
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

The video below is long and difficult to watch, but this is what is happening to many every day.  The enemy comes in looking like your surroundings and you think everything is just fine until you are caught off guard.  In this case the buffalo were off on their own, but in some cases the enemy drives a wedge between you and the family that is there to support and protect you.  These lions caught her in her most vulnerable state, she had just given birth and probably getting her senses together to head back to the herd, but the enemy is keen and knows when to creep in….and that is exactly what they did.   Who did they attack first?  The mother.  They knew that once they got her distracted and hurt, that the baby would be easy pickings.

Question:  How are you like this mother?

The enemy is catching people in their vulnerable states.  They are looking for love, can’t see to do without a man, lonely, broken, hopeless, no one will want me after this or that… you name it.  What ever your vulnerability is, there is an enemy assigned to defeat you in that particular state.  When the enemy can distract and hurt you enough he will move in on you and sometimes will even have the audacity to bring in someone else to destroy your babies, your hopes, your dreams, your destiny.

I am pleading with you today, do not allow the enemy to wedge you away from or catch you out and away from  your herd….away from God.  Once the enemy separates you  he will dominate and devour you at his leisure and anything that is close to you and near you will be destroyed as well.

The Full Armor of God Ephesians 6:10
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.…



What Kind of Friend Are You?

Have you ever had someone in your life who only calls you when they need something.  They never call to check on you or to see how you are doing but rather they use you as their own personal crisis hotline?  Right after they get their help from you they are back to doing whatever it is that they do until the next time they need a shoulder to cry on, some money to borrow, a ride somewhere, food, or anything of the sort.

Questions:  How do you feel about that “friend”?  Do you even consider them a friend  or are they someone you just have come tolerate? How do you feel when they take the advice and support that you have given them and just throw it out the window?  What do you think when their number pops up on the ID?

I love the old hymn called What A Friend We Have in Jesus.  Oh he is a friend in deed, but what kind of a friend would he say that we are?

I get so mad when people use God like first aid.  I need you to pray for this or pray for that.  Number 1 -why are you giving me all this work to do and  Number 2 – what are you doing to help the situation that you are asking prayer for? A good portion of people asking for prayer don’t even acknowledge God  on any other occasion other than to ask for something and then have the audacity to question his existence when the prayer isn’t answered the way they think it should have been.  Well, maybe it wasn’t meant for the prayer to be answered the way you asked, but you will not know that if you don’t have a personal relationship with Him.  Now you are mad at God for something that wasn’t answered the way you thought but really God is tending to your prayer a whole other way that will work out ten times better for you and there you are sitting up pouting.

Let’s take another look at this…. what about a child who is always asking their parent for something but never, I mean the child NEVER does anything that he is told.  HE doesn’t do his chores, lies about not having homework, skips class from time to time and pretty much just does his own thing, but when he needs help, when he wants something, when it is birthday and Christmas time there he is hands out and telling you what he wants……isn’t that how we do God?  Good parents would be hesitant to bless such a rotten kid with his wants and wishes…. I think I can say with absolute certainty that our good God is hesitant to bless us sometimes as well.   Don’t get mad at him, take a moment and evaluate yourself.  Are you doing all that you need to be doing?  Let’s stop there for now…..what kind of a friend are you?

Peace- Helen

Between the Moon and New York City

I have always been fascinated with New York City. At one point in my very young life, I wanted to live there, but not so much anymore.  I have come to terms with the fact that I am a country girl at heart, so much so that my brother sometimes calls me Ellie May…lol, brothers!  While I have no desire to live in New York, it has long been my dream to take a helicopter ride over the city at dusk while it is bright enough to still see Central Park and then whirl into the night over the beautiful lights that illuminate the city.  One of these days I will, and after you see this video you will want to too.  I found a video on YouTube that is absolutely stunning, I can’t imagine what it would be like to actually be there.

Softly humming… if you get caught between the moon and New York City the best that you can do is fall in love……