Greater Tragedies

Sally walked in the break room fresh from the cold and you are looking for that hot cup of coffee, but….the coffee is cold.  There has been an electrical malfunction and all of the appliances are off in the break room.   The first thing that Sally does is start to fussing about nothing is right around the office and no cares anyone, blah blah blah…..


This happens in offices everywhere around the world each morning…something in some way shape or another, something has happened to the coffee.

Well to all my Sally-ies of the world let me tell you something, while you don’t have a fresh hot cup of coffee……

someone doesn’t even have water, someone slept out in the cold last night, a child was molested, someone was shot, someone was killed, a pet died, a loved one passed away, someone is homeless, someone is hungry, a child doesn’t feel safe, a wife was beaten, someone is hungry, someone lives in the midst of a war, someone was kidnapped and trafficked for sex, someone is blind, someone is deaf, someone is paralyzed from a car accident, someone is struggling with cancer….someone is wishing that they had the job that you have right now and would gladly do without the coffee.

Sally….there are greater tragedies in the world and what you should do instead of complaining about being without coffee is to be thankful that you are not experiencing one of them right now.


The Greatest Gift

giftboxI went shopping last weekend for a hat, yes just a hat.  There was such a hustle and bustle about the stores with people hacking their way through their Christmas lists.  What should be fun for them seemed stressful.   Here are some things that I heard:

I have to get this for Suzie and Tommie wants this but I can’t find it. 

I am so stressed out.

I don’t have time to get all of this done.

I am tired.

I will have to wait until next week’s paycheck.

Let’s get this done so we can get the heck out of here.

This made me sad.  This is not what the Christmas season is about.  If this is you, I challenge you to do something different this year.  Why not spend more time with family gatherings or going to Christmas programs, or having a movie night to watch Elf and play board games, how fun is that?  I made up my mind a long time ago that I will not be bogged down with gift giving this time of year.  I am not cheap and I love to give gifts from my heart throughout the year, not just because of the pressure of the season.

I don’t know how many times I have heard people say that they “they are going to buy Christmas”, or “my kids are going to have a Christmas”…..

With or without gifts….there is Christmas and I long for others to understand that the greatest gift of Christmas is a warm and loving heart toward one another the whole year through.

Peace to you and yours,






Someday At Christmas…..


I heard this song while driving this morning and almost started to weep with every word of this song.  My God…… this song was released almost 50 years ago and the “someday” that is spoken of has still not arrived, we aren’t even closer and perhaps farther away from this than we were 50 some years ago.   Is it too late?  Have we gone to far to recover?  I hope not – You see, that someday can start with you, with me, with the person across the way.  It can start in our hearts and then manifest in our actions toward one another.  There will be days when you may feel like the only lighthouse in the midst of raging and stormy seas, but you know what…. be the light that draws others in to safety and then show them how to shine.  With that, before long we will have that “someday” and it could be a lot sooner than we think.

Peace and love….Helen

Got Heart?

Christianity has become this over the top, super positive, squealing at the top of your lungs, extra chipper way to be and if you are not like that then you are not a Christian and certainly don’t have the joy of the Lord.    Christians can be introverts and extroverts, quiet and gregarious, but there is one thing that should be the same and that is having a heart being modeled after God.




scary-what-a-smile-can-hideA smile means absolutely nothing if your thoughts and intentions are bad.

Don’t get me wrong, I love to smile, but I hate to force it. When I do it is real and nothing is hiding behind it.  I may not smile a lot, but there is peace in my soul and I mean you no harm.

Peace – Helen

Some Kind of Way

Ya know….lately I have been feeling some kind of a way.  Sad, but not completely sorrowed.  Angry, but still able to laugh at life.   Heartbroken, but grateful for what will never be.  I feel peace in my soul, but in the midst of that is a passioned fire that runs deep causing me to feel every revolution in and outside of myself.  I know that change is needed in this world and carry the burden of still hands that are not yet part of making those changes happen.  I am not one to ever pretend that I have it all together and I think that is okay.  All I know tonight is that I am feeling some kind of way……


Praying Too Much

I know that this is going to sound like a contradiction considering that my last post was about praying, but sometimes I think that people pray too much.  As I scroll down my Facebook newsfeed, I read how people are praying about this and praying about that, but these are the same people who do so much dirt to others.  How do I know?  I know, because I have been a recipient of some of the deceit that has gone forth from these praying folks.  The good thing is that we all acknowledge prayer as a change agent, but when are we going to change?  When are we going to become a just one facet of what we are praying about?  Okay you pray, wow….you look really holy…BUT when are we going to be holy?  Great, you are praying for someone who hurt you or someone that you just don’t like…but you can’t pray for someone and still wish that they get their Karma.  As a matter of fact if you doing that then you should probably be praying for your own wicked heart.  Another thing that just kills me is that some people don’t believe in God, but when they need something for themselves or their children, they request that someone pray for them?  Well, if you don’t believe in God…who exactly do you think is going to consider or even answer your prayer?  That is a whole other post about how God is NOT a Band-Aid for you to pick up and use when life gets rough.  God is about relationship and he wants  a relationship with you.   Which takes me back to praying…..sincere, heartfelt prayer is powerful and should not be taken for granted but at some point in time we have to become the compassion, healing, the understanding, the deliverance,  and the strength that we pray.

Peace – Helen

Taking a Knee

This week has been some kind of a week.  If I was a drinking woman I would have turned up a few bottles, but even today, instead, I will take a knee and pray this thing out.

Sighing…’s me….Helen