Two Sides

two sides

Even if something appears to be true, it is important not to take what one side says as the complete truth. Sometimes people who are operating in a divisive mindset will capitalize on how you falter in a crisis or will rely on that thing that appears to be true to make themselves look good. They will say things like….you know how so and so is, OR she is just like that, I just try to be different, blah blah blah.

These type of people do hold the power as they are able to mask the hatred in their heart for the person that they are targeting and they clothe that hatred in false sincerity, appearing to be a peacemaker,an advocate, the nice guy…just enough to keep you on their side of the dividing line that they helped to create. If you are not careful you will stay on that side of their line, enslaved in deceit and blocked off from truth….a puppet to their agenda.

A nice long talk can solve so much, but if you never get that….know that whether you are on one side or the other, that God knows the intent of everything that is said and done, God knows the very fabric of heart and at the end of the day, we have to rest in that.  Peace – Helen