Finding What You Want

You will never find what you want or who you want as long as you keep doing the same thing.  If you keep dating the same kind of women in the the same kind of way, chances are you will be back on the merry go round in no time.  Give the woman a chance to open up to you, don’t gouge her for information but instead create and be a safe place where she can express herself without ridicule from you.  Instead of charging out of the gates at 100 mph talking about sex and fantasies, be her fantasy and she will eventually fulfill yours.

You Betta Work!!!!

I find it hard to believe that a man could love and respect a woman who he allows, expects, or thinks should shoulder the burden of caring for him.  Call me old fashioned, but men work, be it cleaning a toilet or holding down a multi-million dollar company.  There are exceptions to this rule of course, such as in the terms of the man being disabled.  However, I have a friend whose long time boyfriend claims to be disabled but every time she turns around he is wanting to have sex with her for hours at a time…….not trying to be insensitive here, but is that disabled?    She shared this with me, but became incensed when I told her that if he could have sex like that then he could find some type of job to help with their household.

I think this goes back to deciding what kind of woman you want to be.  Me…..I know how to do bad all by myself, I know how to take care of business and can get the job done, however, if I am joining my life with someone else, then there are some things that will be a give and take.  While I can take out the trash, this is a chore that he can do.  If he hates washing dishes or cleaning the microwave….hey baby – I got you on that.

Just like fingerprints, no two relationships are a like, but relationships do require work and  requires two people working together in a way that they both feel valued, cared for, and accommodated.

Peace – Helen

Better Man

I can’t really express the thoughts in my head right now.  That is why I love music, because it can say things that our hearts can’t.  Feeling amused today……..

Convenience and Sacrifice

If a neighbor calls you for a ride home from work at 11pm do you tell them that you are sleeping and you will pick them up in the morning or do you get up and help them to get home to rest as you were resting?  Even if you do give them a ride home in the morning after you have had your full night’s sleep, you are helping, but which is the greater help, which is the true heart of serving others?

You have never truly served, given, or helped until you have done so while being inconvenienced.  Helping others on your own terms, is just doing what you want to do to make yourself look or feel good… are not doing what is needed, when it is needed to put others in a better place.

Balance service, sacrifice and self-care……..