Judge Me

I am amused when I hear, CAN’T NOBODY JUDGE ME!

Well, I want to be judged. That doesn’t mean that I want you to go tell cousin boo bear or Sister So-So about me, but I want you to come to ME and tell me when I am not doing something right. Pull me to the side and tell me that I am acting a foo, your slip is hanging or in other words – get it together girl!

When you fail to tell the person and instead go talk to others, that makes you a GOSSIP, a possible slanderer, and a worker of divisions among people …which kind of makes you no better than the person that you deem to have the problem.

When people come to me with mess about other people, one of the first things that I will say is – have you talked to that person and if they haven’t I will tell that person that is what they need to do- because that is what I would want someone to do for me.

You see, I want to get things right on this side. At the end of the day when I stand before God, He may not see a perfect person but He will see a heart that has strived, longed, and tried to be better and live after Him.



Wood gavel and sounding block on a white background.


If you pick up a piece of trash that that make you a garbage man?

If you make coffee and tea for a meeting, does that make you waitress?

If you wipe up a spill that is on the floor does that make you a maid?

If you help someone complete a task does that mean that you can now claim their job title?

If you complete an assignment from someone other than who you report to, does that mean that you now work for them?

(It always bothers me to hear someone say that they work for this person or that person.  If we are part of the same company, this means we are on the same team, which means we all work for one another)

If you help a puppy who has wandered out in the street, does that make you the animal control?

If you answer the phone at the switch board, does that make you the receptionist?

If you…..if you….if you….. this can go on forever.

Too many people who have no sense of who they are or who covet what others do or have, will feel the need to change their title for every little thing that they do, especially if it is something that they feel like they should be doing anyway.  BUT take note that these are the same people who will never change their title to maid because they would rather call someone else to wipe up a small spill than to do it themselves.  They would never change their title to garbage man, because they find that dealing with trash or picking up trash is beneath them.  They feel this way because they identify themselves with what they do.

When you KNOW who are, picking up trash doesn’t bother you… wiping up a spill is looking out for the next person and not a chore for what you consider to be for a “lesser” person…. helping a colleague doesn’t mean that you have to tell others that you helped that person and think that gives you the right to claim their job title…..when you KNOW who you are, the title DOESN’T mean anything ANYWAY.  It is not the title that defines you, but rather the humble heart of service that you have behind the title that guides you into excellence, not the title itself.  

That is why no matter what you do in this life be it a trash man or the president of a company, you can be excellent because of your excellence!!!

Know who you are and serve with a spirit of teamwork and a heart of integrity.

Just pondering life…..Helen

Finger Lick’n….ewww!

You know what….I have so much to say about this, but I am not.   Bottom line:  do not lick your fingers at a buffet, potluck, or dinner party.  No wait, how about not licking your fingers ever?  Yeah that about sums up how I feel about this.

Had a potluck today and the first person the in the front of the line was just going to town with licking her fingers and picking up other spoons and so on.  Really?  I along with about three other people who witnessed this fiasco of saliva just turned and left…….

Finger lick’n ewwwww!