Between the Moon and New York City

I have always been fascinated with New York City. At one point in my very young life, I wanted to live there, but not so much anymore.  I have come to terms with the fact that I am a country girl at heart, so much so that my brother sometimes calls me Ellie May…lol, brothers!  While I have no desire to live in New York, it has long been my dream to take a helicopter ride over the city at dusk while it is bright enough to still see Central Park and then whirl into the night over the beautiful lights that illuminate the city.  One of these days I will, and after you see this video you will want to too.  I found a video on YouTube that is absolutely stunning, I can’t imagine what it would be like to actually be there.

Softly humming… if you get caught between the moon and New York City the best that you can do is fall in love……


The Heart of Worship

It is assumptive and almost cruel to judge how someone worships.  First of all worship is not limited to a sanctuary on Sunday morning, worship is what you do with your life and how you live from day to day.  To tell someone how they should or are expected to worship is highly offensive, well at least to me.  There are times that I worship quietly in thought and thankfulness, other times I sound like I am cheering at the Super Bowl, lol.  Neither is wrong.  Both are totally and completely appropriate so long as the worship is sincere and from the heart.  Throughout the years I have heard worship leaders berate and demean people in the congregation because they were not actively worshiping like they were.  I had a friend come as guest to a conference before but left because the worship leader singled her out for not raising her hands!  She was humiliated and just left.  When I talked with her later she told me that she was there because she wanted to learn who God is and that she could not worship a God that she really didn’t know.  How frustrating…..

People enter those church doors with all types of reasons, experiences, and levels in God.  It should never be expected for someone to worship according to where you are in God or how you know Him, but rather people should be exposed to who God is through the light that shines within you, through the teaching of His Word, and through a genuine worship experience that draws people into thinking about God at the level in which they currently are, this is tedious, but necessary if we are to help people continue their journey with God and know who He is for themselves and to worship Him in truth rather than out of the act of emotionalism.

Peace, Helen