The Beauty of Change

I think Autumn gives us a perfect example to know that change is not always a bad thing, really it can be quite beautiful and every leaf that falls in our lives will nurture the next season that has yet to dawn in our eyes…Helen


Fit Who You Are?

I heard on the radio today some people have a problem with church doctrine because it does not fit them…….my question is why should it?

Now, I think that the majority of your chosen doctrine should line up with your beliefs and who you are, but not all of it.  The problem is that people want to just “do them” and not conform to any system of beliefs unless it allows them to do whatever they want to do, whenever and how they want to do it.   That is fine, if that is how you want to live, but don’t get angry because the doctrine does not change to fit you.

I am glad that I don’t have everything down pat and to a science… I need to have areas to grow in, as that is what deepens our faith and solidifies the doctrine within our hearts and minds.

Can an African-American person, walk into  a KKK meeting and tell them that they are going to accept them.  Well, they could, but the outcome might be a little different.  Bottomline – it is not within the doctrine of the KKK to accept black people of any kind.

Can someone from a lower income bracket walk into a bank and demand that they extend them a loan simply on the fact that the bank has money to give?  Again the answer is yes, but the likelihood of them getting a loan is zero.  The bank has standards and guidelines that must be followed in order to access their resources.

With those examples in mind, here is something that really has many pondering these days….why is that people who are homosexual or transgender, go into churches today and demand that they be accepted and that the doctrine should change to fit their lifestyle?

If the doctrine changes to fit the homosexual lifestyle, then it will have to change to fit those who want to lie, cheat, and steal.  It will have to change for the adulterers and the fornicators.  Eventually you will have a free for all doctrine… a do what you want to do doctrine, and after all of that ….is it really a doctrine at all.  Some might say that there are already liars, adulterers and cheaters in the church. Well there is, but the doctrine has not changed to support it.

Some will argue Christians are supposed to love everyone, this is TRUE, but that does not mean that Christians have to accept everything.

I understand that God is love, but God’s love is set upon a certain doctrine.  It is up to you to accept that doctrine and conform to it or continue to do your own thing.  It is that simple.

Peace – Helen


My Kinda Fun

I recently went to a ball game with a group of people.  It was a beautiful warm sunny evening and the night offered cool breezes and a starry sky… overall it was a great night.  I took pleasure in sitting down for most of the time, taking in the atmosphere and sipping on an ice cold pink lemonade.  I must have talked with over 20 people while sitting there.  People would stop and chat and then move on to more merriment.  Occasionally someone would stop by and ask what was wrong with me, come on Wilson pep up,  and I would have to cordially explain to them, that I was having a good time  – nothing is wrong, everything is great. What was frustrating was that some people went so far as to label groups…the boring group…the quiet group….the fun group…. ugh really?   Here’s the deal – don’t judge my fun! 

Bottomline:  People are just different, we are all as different as the fingerprints on our fingers and you know what….it is okay.