Getting to…..This Place

As I was driving into work this morning I was blessed to hear this song on the radio and it really got me to thinking.  So many people, are looking for the place that this song speaks of and all I can say is keep living, keep trusting the Lord, and keep your eyes on Him and one day before long you are going to look up and find yourself in “this place”.  Those of you who are going through heartaches today from losing a loved one, a bad relationship, an illness, rejection or simply not being where you know you should be… the pain will stop, the tears will cease to fall, and one day you are going to feel a flutter in your chest and no, it will not be a bubble!  lol… it will be your heart coming back to life again, it will be coming off of cruise control and will start to feel again.  The key is not to let the storm clouds keep you from your journey.  Get an umbrella, put on a parka, gather up your rainboots….do whatever you have to do but keep pressing on.  Don’t sit back and watch others bask in the sunshine of their journey, if you give up now the only thing that you can do is wish that you were there.

I see my “this place” on the horizon and I am pressing on…….





National High Skirt Day….NOT!

Today is National Take a Walk Day (did that!), I did not know that it was also “National Let’s See How High You Can Wear Your Skirt Before Someone Sees  A Crack Day”.  LOL  Yes, it is a balmy 80 degree day, I am not saying that you have to wear a country frock.  However, you will NOT suffer heat exhaustion if you lower that skirt about 3 inches….trust me baby girls, you will be aaaaight!

Peace  –  Helen