Pondering Love

Real love…..
I think sometimes that real love gets overlooked like vegetables. Sometimes the people that are best for us in our lives are treated like….I don’t know, like a beet or a Brussels sprout. Little do we know that if we take that vegetable and season with a little of who we are and a little of who they are that there could a fabulous gourmet recipe for a good life together….gourmet food takes time and commitment. Unfortunately far too many people opt for the drive through at Wendy’s……..just pondering.


Heart In The Right Place

Sometimes we stand on the pathways of life just…..pondering. I am thinking at this point that I am either too nice, too forgiving, or just a darned fool. Now which one is it and really does it even matter at this point? I think what matters is that I tried to do the right thing, yeah, I tried.

At the end of the day, I am satisfied with the fact that I try to keep my heart in the right place.

Pressing on, Peace…..Helen