Journey On…..

Your destined purpose is rarely in the same place where your value was created or increased. A diamond is created in the earth, but its value is determined once it is faceted and presented to the world. A clay pot does not serve out its purpose on the potter’s wheel. Journey on….. Helen

Diamond In The Rough


Diamond in the Rough…..

Diamonds are formed by heat and pressure.
Remember to allow difficult situations to create and/or increase your “value” and deepen your journey.
Life, with all of its ups and downs will facet your “brilliance”.

Make Me Broken

I so completely love this song. I don’t have a lot to say the words of the song says it all…….

Everbody Ain’t Crazy Crazy Ya Know


What do you think when you hear the word crazy? Well, I often think that this word is used irresponsibly causing labels to be placed on people who do not deserve them.

I have come to terms that there are four kinds of crazy:

1) Conditional Crazy – meaning you have a condition and you require medication to manage the condition. No shame in that – do what you need to do to be well.

2) Wild and Out Crazy – chilling with friends, being funny or silly. Okay, that’s cool.

3) Horror Movie Crazy – okay this is the kind of crazy where you are just out killin to be killin folks and straight up causing fright and horror for no good or apparent reason. Medication cannot help this, the trauma caused to others is your medication, except for instead of Penicillin it is more like cocaine, LSD, and crack all combined together. This is just demented and straight from the pits of hell crazy.

4) Circumstantial Crazy – now this I know about! Yes, me!!!! Circumstantial crazy is when you are in a situation that alters the way that you normally act. This is usually a highly stressful, unfulfilling, unresolved environment or relationship that damages a person over time. By the time the person starts to exhibit attitudes or dispositions, they have already tolerated well over their fill of “bull poopers”.

Have you ever watched those videos of people who have the office meltdowns? Well I would safely guess that 99% of those are circumstantial crazies. Perfectly normal folk, who just broke temporarily, sad but true.

So the next time you noticed something that is different from you, before you slap the crazy label on a person, take the time to see where they are coming from, and if you can’t do that….them leave them alone or get out of their way. 🙂



Abuse Lingers

From December 21, 2013
While traveling this week I visited an abuse shelter for women and children. I woke up this morning thinking of those little faces, I can’t get them out of my mind. A 5 year with post traumatic stress disorder makes me sick to my stomach. This little guy saw one too many hits, heard one too many put downs or commands or orders. There were many people dropping off toys and clothes for the shelter, but none of those things can fix what was allowed to break and what is really broken….
