
Painfully, I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of people who don’t want you to be okay.

They don’t want you to be okay, because they are not okay themselves…….

I recently found out some news that really has me messed up right now and it is a struggle for me to be “okay”.

Too exhausted to be mad, to sad to even really cry…but there is one thing that I can hope on that is on the sun rising in morning and the ability for me to put one foot in front of the other to walk this thing out.

I will be okay…..I am okay.


Find Out For Yourself

If you think you know me by only what you have heard, then you really don’t know me at all.

Ask questions, communicate, talk to folk, find out for your self!

Take Some Sushi With Ya!

Last year I attended a chef’s table where we were served gourmet sushi. It was fabulous! Never in a million years would I have ever have thought that I would have acquired a palate for such a tasty treat, but well, here I am thinking about sushi with a touch of wasabi…yummy. Sometimes we get so comfortable existing in our bubble that we disregard that life is happening on the outside. I am grateful for the new mind and heart to want to go different places and to try new things. Don’t get me wrong, there are limitations to good clean livin’ now – so don’t go buck wild! lol I challenge you today to live, try something new and allow each moment to enrich you and deepen your journey, and uh hey… take some sushi with ya!
Peace – Helen

Thumb Ups

I have come to the conclusion that some people just want to have a problem with you. Jesus could come down himself , put his arm around you and give you the thumbs up sign, and someone will be like….”Naw she dirty, she ain’t right.” lol smh

No worries to all that….pressin’ on!

He Knows My Name

I so completely love this song!!!! Take a read and listen – Helen

He Knows My Name
Spent today in a conversation
In the mirror face to face with
somebody less than perfect
I wouldn’t choose me first if
I was looking for a champion
In fact I’d understand if
You picked everyone before me
But that’s just not my story
True to who You are
You saw my heart
and made
Something out of nothing

I don’t need my name in lights
I’m famous in my Father’s eyes
Make no mistake
He knows my name
I’m not living for applause
I’m already so adored
It’s all His stage
He knows my name oh, oh,
He knows my name oh, oh

I’m not meant to just stay quiet
I’m meant to be a lion
I’ll roar beyond a song
With every moment that I’ve got
True to who You are
You saw my heart
and made
Something out of nothing


He calls me chosen, free forgiven, wanted, child of the King,
His forever, held in treasure…
I am loved

I don’t need my name in lights…
I’m famous in my Father’s eyes…



Reflection: Loyalty is not always a good thing, especially when it changes you as a person. Sometimes the things we keep silent about to avoid revealing the true character of others, can really end up destroying our own.

Can’t rewind, but God can certainly redeem……

Find Your Own

You can stand in someone else’s shoes, but you will never wear them like the person that they were meant for. Find your own path, walk out your own destiny…anything short of that, is a life that has been cheated.


Just You

I never wanted perfect, I just wanted you……..Helen

On The Way Back



This is not about revenge this is about being put in a bad situation that was meant to destroy you, but you overcame where you were thrown, where you have been disregarded and chalked up to not even matter. Not only did you overcome it but you conquered the very thing that was supposed to conquer you. I challenge you today to overcome those places in your life and find your way back because I will tell you what…..I am on my way back leading the pack from where I have been! Press on!
